“Take courage; get up, he is calling you.” - Mark 10:49

I guess I never imagined myself giving a reflection to all of you. Before, when I attended praise and worships, I was always in the audience listening to the person in front and be amazed of their reflections. I thought to myself, magka chance din kaya ako ng ganun? Siguro hindi. But what do you know; here I am in front of all of you. Funny no? I think the reason is because I had faith in myself and faith in God’s works and plans for me.

Our Gospel talks about faith. It teaches us of what it means to follow Jesus. Si Bartimaeus, he was blind. Bartimaeus was hoping for a miracle. All that he needed was his sight and he knows that only Jesus can offer him healing and hope. And what’s so special about him, is that he was unlike the other disciples. He was different. Aside from the fact that he was blind, he had faith. Do you remember the story in the calming of the storm, Jesus asked the disciples, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith? (Mark 4:40) The disciples in the Bible were described as having little faith. They could see Jesus physically, yes, but they could not see God’s revelation to them because they lack faith.

Sometimes, ganun din tayo. Let’s say that you are blind folded, and you know na puno ng obstacles sa harap mo, and what you have to do is to just trust the person who will guide you. Alam mo na andyan siya, ang physical presence niya, but do you have enough faith in him that he will guide you well to the right path? Or better yet, let’s say you failed in one subject nung prelim or first grading, some people would think na, “Di na jud ni kaya bai, bagsak na jud ko huhuhu, ma delay na ako, balhin na ko school”, that’s why we tend to quit na di mag study, mag absent na, ganito ganyan. Why? Maybe, because we are blinded by that situation. We can’t see the chance that we can still pass the subject, but if we have faith that we can pass that subject, we will study harder.

It’s the same feeling when we are facing our storms in life or our biggest problems. I’m sure grabe kabigat sa feeling right? When this happens, we might lose our faith in Him and His plans. Sometimes ma isip natin na, “How can this be God’s plan for me?”, and we are blinded by the reason why God is giving this to us.

I remember my own experience. It was during the times when I was struggling. I kept asking myself, “Why man to ganito Lord uy, di ko jud maintindihan bakit ba”. I was blinded by my emotions that I wasn’t able to see the good things. All I can see was negativity. Sige lang jud ako pray nun pero feel ko wala parin nangyayari sa akin.

Jesus responds, “Go your way; your faith has saved you.” – Mark 10:52

During those times when I kept praying, I didn’t realize that I was already healed. Late ko na narealize na okay naman pala ako. Isip ko LR lang jud siguro ako. I was okay and I was happy and because of that I was open to see what God has revealed to me, and that was my healing. But Jesus doesn’t say, “I have healed you” or “You are healed”, or magsabi man lang na “huy okay ka na”. It was not just having faith in me that I will be okay, but most importantly faith in Him alone. I guess while I was praying, I had faith that He will be there for me. God, true to His promises was there for me, and it was then I knew that He will save me. Faith is believing in Jesus and trusting what He is doing. We surpass all our problems and trials because we had faith not in ourselves, but in the presence of Jesus, the son of God. For we walk by faith, not by sight. – 2 Corinthians 5:7

Being here today, being what you are now, a follower, a shepherd, a leader, is not easy. The journey is never easy. But to walk on that journey, is not seeing with your eyes open, but closed and having faith in God that he will guide you to the right path.

He also tells us, Be strong & courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9

During my encounter, my shepherd used to always remind us, every sharing jud niya to gina sabi, that Jesus tell us, “Everything will be okay in the end.” I think all we have to do is not to worry, and to just trust in God’s promises knowing that He will not let us down and will come through for us.
Whatever darkness clouds our vision, whatever forces stand between us, and whatever problems that may come our way, the only answer that can restore us and make us whole again, is the merciful and infinite love of God, and the presence of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. May we always follow the footsteps of Christ and never quit seeking for what God has in store for us.

I would like to share to you a verse that is very common to everybody. I first heard this during a reflection in Praise and Worship a long time ago, and it became my life verse. Siguro ito na ang verse na hindi talaga mawala sa prayer ko. It has helped me lot and it reminds us that with God and our faith in Him, we can do all things.

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13
I can do all this through Christ who gives me strength.

Lord, may we never fail to recognize our need for your grace. Help us to take advantage of opportunities you give us to seek your presence daily and to listen attentively to your word. AMEN

-Brittany Bañes


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