For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. - Mark 10:45

                For me, the striking part in today’s Gospel is that James and John asked special places of authority at Jesus' right hand and left hand. They recognized that victory awaits them because they knew that the authority Jesus has showed in his ministry will lead to something big. And they plan to take advantage on that.

                Even today, there a lot of people who are taking advantage of situations, similar to what James and John did. At home, sometimes, we do household chores for our own personal interest. We work, maybe, to get increased allowance, "laag money" from our parents. It is not necessarily a bad thing but would it be better if we work or do things out of love and concern for our family instead of doing it for the reward?

                In school, we also ask for a reward in everything we do. We want to pass or even get high grades. Sometimes, we only just want to please our parents and teachers and even classmates for fame. But we never study because we really desire for great learning.

                Sometimes, we even befriend others for our own benefit. In order to feel accepted, we have the need to also do what they are doing - giving in to peer pressure, like drinking alcohol, trying illegal drugs, cheating during exams and other stuff. We, sometimes, don’t show our true self and even use other identities in order to belong.

                Just like James and John, we are deceived by the power that offers special treatment in our relationship with God. Let us be like Christ who humbly shows us the power and that is through dying in the cross to save all mankind. Although we are not Christ who is the son of God, we can be like him in our own simple way by being true to ourselves and to others. Let us be sincere in helping our family and friends and other people without expecting something in return. Let us learn to serve them unconditionally. Let us learn to be good and do the best for the greater glory of God.

- Aa Mascarinas


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