But Jesus told them, “Because of the hardness of your hearts he wrote you this commandment. - Mark 10:5

In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches us to be strong, to be brave and not to give up when faced with problems. We rarely find it being valued in its truest sense within a relationship. In the context of marriage, our Lord Jesus shows us that being committed is not a simple relating of feelings to the other. Commitment is not a selective attitude over possible choices. Commitment is a gift of the whole person to the other; it is the act of uniting oneself not only in the level of feelings or of intellect. It is the capacity to assume the other to oneself, embracing the other even his defects along with the things which initially attracts us. Jesus takes up the ever controversial issue of marriage to profoundly communicate to man the challenge of serious commitment. Being married is not easy, as married couples would say. You need to choose the right person who you’d spend a lifetime with. They are many problems when you get married and much more during marriage. But Jesus is always right here in our side, helping us to surpass the problems.  Jesus is always guiding and leading us to the right path.

-Salve Credo


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