For they did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead - John 20:9

In the first reading, we hear Peter witnessing to Christ's passion and resurrection, as well as describing his personal call “to preach to the people and testify”. I believe that not only Peter or the other disciples are called by God “to preach to the people and testify”. We are all called to be a witness for Christ to others. 

In particular, I believe my personal call by God is to gather more youth, hopefully, by providing them the opportunity to grow in faith and helping them realize that they need to “come home to the Lord” always. Fighting side by side for Jesus is never easy. We are always challenged with a lot of temptations. We sometimes find it difficult to share our faith with others and also defend God. Why is it so difficult for us? Maybe because we are ashamed? Embarrassed because it is not cool or it makes us look “corny”? Or maybe we are so full of guilt? 

In the Responsorial Psalm, our response is “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.” What is it about our faith that causes us to “rejoice and be glad”?Do we only rejoice in the bountiful good things we received from the Lord? Or do we forget to find the good in our sufferings, tears and pains? Easter season is one of the perfect time for us to rejoice and be glad because we are saved from damnation through Jesus’ life, suffering, death and resurrection. Because of His resurrection we enter into His glory. 

In the Gospel, we read that the disciples saw the empty tomb and believed.  At first they didn’t understand that Jesus had risen from the dead even if they had seen the empty tomb and the burial clothes. It invites us to reflect that we need to have faith in Jesus and his Resurrection even if we don’t see Him.

Easter isn't even about Easter eggs. Although an egg can represent “new life” and Jesus was resurrected on the third day - giving us new life in Him. But just like Christmas, the real meaning has been forgotten. “Easter is a celebration not of the emptiness of the tomb but of the content of that tomb; its main content is “we too will rise again as Jesus rose”. His resurrection has created hope for us. It inspires us to work fearlessly in removing all that is bad in this world. In this Easter season, we are challenged to deepen our faith in GodShare our faith. 

The season of lent made me realize and made me appreciate Jesus’ love for us more. He lay down one’s life for friend. In our own little ways, we can return the favor by doing good things, care for others, forgive those who have sinned against usand obey His commandments. It is through those that we remember God’s presence in our midst. It is a challenge for all of us to love one another even those who are hard to love. Also, we should continue to proclaim that Jesus is truly risen from the dead, continue to have faith in Him and continue to find the joy and peace because He is truly risen

“Jesus, thank you for the great sign of your resurrection! Lord, I believe; help me believe and trust and love even more.” 

-Iana Navarro



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