"I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." - John 10:11

Today’s Gospel features one of the most inspiring and much loved images of Jesus, as the Good Shepherd who bravely takes care of all of us, his sheep.

Sometimes, I can see myself as the hired man who does something good only because he is paid or told to do so. It’s hard to admit it but it is true. Doing something without expecting gratitude or anything in return is Real Kindness. An example of this is when we are in the BLD Youth Ministry. These times we’re preparing for the incoming Youth Encounter #16. Let us not think that we only do this because we are obliged to do it but because we’re doing it for God and for the candidates. We learn to sacrifice things just to serve the Lord. Let us set Jesus as our example, who gave His life for His sheep. We must become a person for others.

Jesus asks us to be good shepherds ourselves. He does not call us to be a sheep, but rather shepherds like Jesus. As a member of this community, we should lead those who are lost in the right path which is directed to God. Jesus said:

“..I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold.
These also I must lead, and they will hear my voice,
and there will be one flock, one shepherd…”

Following Jesus means to be a shepherd, not a sheep. Let us become good shepherds ourselves and begin with a little sacrifice and a little act of kindness.

- Shine Abellana


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