“I am the good shepherd I know each of my sheep by name, and my sheep know Me.” – John 10:14

 Today in our gospel, it tells us about the story of the sheep and the Good Shepherd that was said by Jesus. It begins with Jesus saying: “If a man sneaks over the fence to get into a sheep pen. He probably is a thief. If he calls the sheep, they won’t come because he’s a stranger. His voice frightens them and they run away. But the real Shepherd enters through the gate. And when he calls his sheep, he uses their name and they know his voice. I am the Good Shepherd I know each of my sheep by name, and my sheep know Me. And I am the gate. Those who come through Me will be saved. They will have everything they need.”

“Sometimes a man is hired to watch over the sheep” continued Jesus. “But this man does not own these sheep and he does not really care about them. He –works to get paid and if a wolf comes in the middle of the night. The man runs away! And the wolf attacks the sheep and scatters the flock. The man doesn’t even care because they’re not his sheep.”

“But I am the good shepherd,” said Jesus. “And I lay down my life for My sheep. Even though He has told Me to do this, I do it because I want to. No man will take my life from Me. Instead, I give it freely. And after I lay down My life, My father has given Me the power to take it back again.”

In this gospel, we are like the sheep and Jesus is the Good Shepherd. We need to understand that our Good Shepherd loves us and will always protect us in mysterious ways. We need to watch out the thieves or the others that would try to lead us away from our Shepherd. But sometimes, we are not quick in hearing our master’s voice. That’s why we easily lose hope when we experience sufferings and hurt. He can’t protect us if we don’t listen to Him to His voice. Jesus' voice must be familiar to us and if we listen to His voice we will be protected, and as His sheep, we know that we can walk with Him.

As we continue to be in our “sheep pen” during this pandemic, we must pray for the safety and good health of the people who are serving our country and be thankful to the leaders who are genuinely concerned for all those entrusted to their care. They spend many hours each day working with others to provide the best information that we need and care for all the people who are affected in this pandemic. Let us continue to pray for all who answered the call, and may this pandemic end.

-Angel Allana Villas


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