"I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance." -Luke 15:1-32

In the gospel, Jesus said, "I tell you, in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance."

Jesus cited three parables: The Lost Sheep, The Prodigal Son and The Lost Coin. These three parables have the same message, and that is even the lost ones can still find their way back to God. Even though they once lost their way to God, they still managed to return to Him in regret of what they did wrong and ask for forgiveness. What is important is that they have realized their wrong acts and repented to God.

After reading the gospel, I have realized that even if a sinner commits a sin, he or she still has the right to repent his or her sins and enter the heaven above with God for God and his angels will be happy for a sinner to realize and repent his or her wrong doings. God will more likely rejoice and celebrate if a sinner has come to Him and has decided to change to be with Him, rather than the ones who are hypocrite and who are worshiping Him but do not even repent and ask for forgiveness for committing sins. For our God is good and will always forgive us for what we have done wrong. We just have to talk to him in prayer and repent.

There are times in life when some people have lost their way and trust in God and when they experience hardships and trials in life, they start to doubt God and become impatient for their prayers are not being answered by God. To help them, we must try to reach out to them by talking to them and by letting them attend the mass and listen to the priest's homily.

How blessed are we to have a God like Him for we know how He judges and punishes us but most importantly we see how much He loves us. He never abandons and forsakes us. And despite everything we have done, He still welcomes and forgives us, the sinners.

-Framel Coleen Sepulveda


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