“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much." -Luke 16:10

The gospel today is taken from Luke 16:1-13. Jesus talks about a steward who cheated on his master. Here are some lines that Jesus said after telling the parable:
 “The person who is trustworthy in very small matters
is also trustworthy in great ones;
and the person who is dishonest in very small matters
is also dishonest in great ones. 
If, therefore, you are not trustworthy with dishonest wealth,
who will trust you with true wealth? 
If you are not trustworthy with what belongs to another,
who will give you what is yours? 
No servant can serve two masters. 
He will either hate one and love the other,
or be devoted to one and despise the other. 
You cannot serve both God and mammon.”

Trust is seldom given; most of the time, it is earned. We are called to trust and have faith in God for He is our gracious Father and our Almighty Creator. We are also taught to trust in His divine providence from the moment we wake up and the time before we sleep. We pray the He guides us and our loved ones each day and shower us with His blessings. We also ask for forgiveness when we commit sin. In short, we count on him for everything.

Nowadays, some people find it hard to invest on commitments and relationships because of the fear of being hurt by broken promises. I was one of them, but soon I realized that God is not someone who breaks promises, instead He is someone who continues to love us no matter how much we disappoint Him. He was crowned with thorns, had carried the cross, and was crucified for our sake. Truly, His love is eternal.

I hope that people would learn to trust God more than anyone, because if there is one person whom we could count on to never give up on us, that would be Him. I hope that we prioritize God before anything, like He prioritizes us. I know we could trust Him in the smallest things like our safety in going to school or work in the morning, up to the greatest challenges that come our way because He is an Amazing God.

-Rona Marie De Castro


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