"If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead." -Luke 16:31

The Gospel today is taken from Luke 16: 19-31.

Humility, as defined in the dictionary, is the quality or state of not thinking you are better than other people. But for us Christians, humility is something more. It is the gift of the Holy Spirit for us to live a life as how God planned it for us. It is the gift that connects us not just to other people, but to God as well. All of us possess this gift within us. However, like the rich man in Jesus’ parable, some of us fail to apply this gift in our lives.
Every one of us has experienced certain situations in our lives that we shine and excel. For example, having high scores in the exams, winning competitions or being commended by teachers, classmates, friends or even family members because of something that we have done. And because of the praise that other people give us, we are sometimes blinded by pride because we think highly of ourselves. We think highly of ourselves to the point that we look down upon others because they lack a certain skill or they have a weakness.
However, we should not look down upon others for we are all equally made by God. All of us have strengths and all of us have weaknesses for a reason and that reason is for us to unite for the weakness of one is the strength of another. By standing together and being united, we are able to achieve something greater than the thing we acquire when we are alone.
We should be humble and have the initiative to be so for we will never know that someone is watching. We will never know that we have inspired someone, may it be a friend or a stranger, to be humble as well. You were given the strengths that you have right now for a reason and that reason is for you to share that gift to others.
Jesus humbled Himself by coming down from Heaven to save us from our sins. And now, we are being called by God to be humble as well for it is now our turn to save others in our society.

-Reggie Jaleco


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