“Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” - John 20: 22

Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Today is the day that Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad because today we receive the Holy Spirit. We, Christians called it Pentecost. The Holy Spirit was poured out upon his first followers, the disciples. 

When Jesus showed His hands and his side to the disciples upon saying “Peace be with you”, they all rejoiced when they saw the Lord. We are just like the disciples, we all rejoice when we feel peace, love and hope in our hearts. We feel like everything is just so perfect. Remember when we were all little babies being baptized. That was the time when we’re called Children of God. We received for the very first time the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

For me, the Holy Spirit is my hope. Whenever I got problems I always seek his help. But there also times when my hope is gone and my faith is broken. There are times when we felt unloved, rejected, abandoned and just felt sadness in our hearts.  We asked Him “Why Lord?” I am guilty of this question. I forgot that this is just a test that God wants me to pass. To trust him but then I failed.

Then after faith is broken. I committed sin and let temptation ruled over me. I forgot the Holy Spirit, who is the source of my hope.. We have faith because we have hope and when faith is broken then we’ll become hopeless.

They say it’s human nature to commit sin and be tempted like Adam and Eve. Well yes we all have sins and are tempted but remember that we have the freedom to say NO! 

My brothers and sisters let us feel the Holy Spirit inside our hearts. Let us remember the times when we all overcome temptation. Feel the love of Christ buried upon our souls and hearts. 
I regretted the bad things I’ve done. After the storms in my life, my faith in God become stronger especially when I joined this community. They help me open my mind that God is always there,  bigger than any of my problems. Whatever bad circumstance I may take, God is just testing me.  Whatever problem, I know that God is there and the Holy Spirit is always there to guide and protect me. 

When we find God in our hearts and put it into action, we also find happiness. We our surrounded by beautiful people, let us open our eyes to the ways of the Lord to make us happy. As what today’s Gospel says, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” Let us love one another as Jesus teaches us. Forgive each other as what our merciful God always do and for sure our world will become a better place to live in.

Let us not forget the Holy Spirit who’s always there in our own storms. Remember when the great flood happened in the time of Noah, the Holy Spirit in the form of dove is there to lead them to a safer place. Just like what the Holy Spirit done to Noah he will always be there to protect, guide and love us always. 

-Pie Sinfuego


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