“Jesus said to His disciples: Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.” -Mark 16:15

In today’s gospel, the apostles were told to preach the Gospel to all, to every man and woman regardless of what race they may have. People understood what the apostles were preaching because God wants all of us to receive His gift and that evangelization is for the entire world. 

Those who believe and is baptized will be saved; those who do not believe will be condemned.  We become members of the Church through Baptism, we also receive salvation in Baptism. The moment we are turn away from Satan, we receive God’s gift of salvation.
Faith is when we believe in God’s mercy and compassion. It is when we entrust Him all our worries. Faith in God, will lead us to knowing the Father more. It will lead us to understand and accept His most holy will.

God wants us to trust Him, to not be afraid because He is there. He is there to lead and guide us through whatever storm that comes our way. He is there as we carry our own cross.

I believe being in this community strengthen my relationship with God. Serving in the youth encounter was one of the most challenging experience I faced. I was a very inactive member, yet God moved in amazing ways and made miracles. He gave me another chance to serve Him and to share Christ’ mission. 

God opened the eyes of my heart and made me work in extraordinary ways.

-Rona Marie de Castro


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