
Showing posts from April, 2015

"I am the good shepherd. A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." - John 10:11

Today’s Gospel features one of the most inspiring and much loved images of Jesus, as the Good Shepherd who bravely takes care of all of us, his sheep. Sometimes, I can see myself as the hired man who does something good only because he is paid or told to do so. It’s hard to admit it but it is true. Doing something without expecting gratitude or anything in return is Real Kindness. An example of this is when we are in the BLD Youth Ministry. These times we’re preparing for the incoming Youth Encounter #16. Let us not think that we only do this because we are obliged to do it but because we’re doing it for God and for the candidates. We learn to sacrifice things just to serve the Lord. Let us set Jesus as our example, who gave His life for His sheep. We must become a person for others. Jesus asks us to be good shepherds ourselves. He does not call us to be a sheep, but rather shepherds like Jesus. As a member of this community, we should lead those who are lost in the right path

“Why are you troubled? And why do questions arise in your hearts?" - Luke 24:38

The Gospel narrates that Jesus showed up to his 2 disciples who were talking about Him. They were startled and terrified when Jesus stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you” but they doubted the existence for they believe that He is already crucified. But Jesus did not stop talking to them. He did not stop to proving them that He is risen and He can do all things. In our lives, the happening in the Gospel already happened to us hundred to thousand times maybe. But some of us still ignore Jesus in their hearts and in their minds. Jesus is talking to us every time we have problems, every time we are worried and every time we have doubts in our hearts and minds about Him. He talks to us, trying to comfort, amaze, and prove to us that He is always there on our side to guide and help us through.  I realized that this incident already happened to me almost every day in my life. To the simplest thing to the most obvious thing, He is talking to me. The simplest example I can s

“Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” - John 20:21

In the gospel, the disciples locked themselves in a room for the fear of Jews. Jesus came to them and said, “ Peace be with you” and showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced for they have seen the Lord. But Thomas, who was one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. He did not believe the testimony of the disciples. After a few days,  the disciples were in the house again and Thomas was with them. The doors were, once again, closed but Jesus came in and stood among them. ‘ Peace be with you’ he said. He spoke to Thomas and he replied, ‘ My Lord and my God!’ There are times that I become like Thomas. I’ve been exposed to the Christian life for how many years but still doubt God’s presence. I thought what’s taught is not enough for me to fully believe that God is with us. There were times when I felt I was facing life alone because no one backed me up when I felt so weak, when I was trying to understand my situation no one answered me, when I needed someone

For they did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead - John 20:9

In the first reading, we hear Peter witnessing to Christ's passion and resurrection, as well as describing his personal call “to preach to the people and testify”.  I believe that not only Peter or the other disciples are called by God “to preach to the people and testify”. We are all called to be a witness for Christ to others.  In particular, I believe my personal call by God is to gather more youth, hopefully,  by  providing them the opportunity to grow in faith and helping them realize that they need to “come home to the Lord” always. Fighting side by side  for  Jesus is never easy. We are always challenged with a lot of temptations.  We sometimes find it difficult to share our faith with others and also defend God. Why is it so difficult for us? Maybe because we  are  ashamed? Embarrassed because it is not cool  or  it  makes us look  “corny”? Or maybe we are so  full  of guilt?  In the Responsorial Psalm, our response is “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and