“Take these out of here, and stop making my Father’s house a marketplace.” - John 2:16

The Gospel is telling us that our relationship with God should be like a child to his parent, full of love, respect, and with no thought of any gain or loss personally. Attending our Sunday mass out of fear of mortal sin and consequent eternal punishment is a wrong attitude of a Christian.  In the same way, following the Ten Commandments for the purpose of having heavenly rewards is merely profit motive actions, where this should not be the main reason for doing acts of charity.

I am guilty of this said attitude. Sometimes I attend mass because my parents wake me and my siblings up, and force us to attend the mass. When in mass, my mind is not focused with the homily of the priest but is divided with thoughts that are not related to the word of God. 

Following the Ten Commandments is as not simple. But in our own simple way we can do as much as helping a person in need, feeding a hungry person, and donating what we have to others who are in need. After doing these good deeds, I share pictures to social networking sites. Now, I question myself why? Why am I posting these pictures? Is it because I want to inspire the society? Or am I merely posting this for personal reasons, to gain “likes”, or to gain attention from the society? 

I often commit mistakes that are contradicting to my beliefs.  Now, I know that this is a burden to God. I now ask myself, how can I cleanse myself from all the things I have done?  Should I be physically and mentally tortured in order for me to be renewed? Well, the Gospel is telling me that I don’t need to torture myself to be cleansed, but I can cleanse body by making a whip of cords out of fasting, penance, alms-giving during Lent, and by asking God’s love and forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Also, Jesus said in this Gospel “and stop making my Father’s  house a marketplace…” we being reminded that we must value our church for this place is holy and this is a place where we all come together to love and praise God. The church is also the holy place where we can gather strength and support for one another in living the word of God.  The church is a place where we can have an intimate conversation with God, to ask for reconciliation and answers to questions of life.

We need to remind ourselves that we are expected to cleanse our body, the temple of the Holy Spirit from hearts of pride, hatred, and all evil thoughts, desires and plans. Let us all welcome Jesus into our hearts by repentance and renewal our lives.  We must cleanse our body from things that are against the Word of God.

 - Ruwi Barnes


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