For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. - John 3:16

In the olden times, there were many gods where people believed to be their king. They serve them and believe in them, gave their full lives over them, even if the things they are doing are already evil. In order to stop these fallacies, God send down His only Son to save the world from evil. This evil means the state of doing bad and making wrong. True enough, when Jesus was in His public ministry, He was able to persuade many to do well and change their wrong ways. Many argued with Him but still He was always there to prove them that He was right. And it was when He died on the cross that He best exemplified the greatest love of all, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Jesus was successful in sending the message God wants everyone to know, to do good and avoid evil is to LOVE. And love means, doing what is right and doing what is good not just for the benefit of oneself but also the benefit of others. It means making sacrifices and promoting the welfare of everyone.

In our life, we often face difficulties and strife. We encounter hardships and are always put to tests. As human beings, we find aid in easy way out solutions and selfish measures. We are capable of doing wrong in order to survive the challenges we face every day. We know what is good and what is bad. We know what is good and evil. But still we continually are committing sin. Jesus showed us the way, the truth and the light, but still we commit sin. It is not an excuse that we are only human that we sin. Because God send HIS ONLY SON to be human in order to be humane. Jesus experienced temptations and hardships as well but He was motivated to do the will of God. He was determined to accomplish His mission. He made everything impossible, possible. Jesus had the drive to fulfill his mission. It is the act of goodness that the light of God shines throughout the world, that others are able to see the works of God and create a unity of goodness and love. Even if we constantly sin, God countless forgives and loves us beyond reason. It is through the Cross that we are reminded to do what is just and right. The cross reminds us to love, to love beyond reason and compare.

The challenge to all of us is to do the will of God, promote goodness and let it shine across nations even if it seems impossible. The challenges is to make every impossible, possible. And the greatest challenge of all is to love. “ARE YOU READY TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT AND AVOID EVIL? ARE YOU READY TO SACRIFICE YOUR LIFE FOR OTHERS? ARE YOU READY TO MAKE THE IMPOSSIBLE, POSSIBLE? ARE YOU WILLING TO LOVE LIKE JESUS?”


-Ren Andico


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