Blessed is the kingdom of our father David that is to come! Hosanna in the highest!” - Mark 11:10

When they were in Mount Olives, Jesus prayed to the Lord saying “Take this cup away from me, but not what I will but what you will.”

Following Jesus is never easy. You need to sacrifice, give something up and maintain a child-like faith. It is never what the world wants, but what God wants for us. Though we can live the world by our own choices, however, certain consequences will be there for us to face – there’s these nonstop envy, anger, insecurity, worry, anxiety and etc. Nevertheless, God will never leave us on our own despite our stubbornness and sinfulness. He is always there to guide us.

For some period of time, I’ve been praying to the Lord for things I really want to have. However, days gone by and He has not answered any of my prayers. I wondered why it worked for others but  it didn’t for me. I kept on asking God whether or not He was punishing me for my sin. I kept seeing myself disappointed every time I asked. Despite of these disappointments, I kept on reminding myself that everything has a reason. I often give up my faith so easily because of worldly things, but God never gave up on me. Though I haven’t received what I wanted, God amazes me by giving me something more.

Let us put in mind that everything we do is for the Lord. It is not easy to follow him and leave everything we used to do behind. However, little by little, by doing good –such as attend mass every day, reading bible, etc,  we can find ourselves in a peaceful life with him on our side.

- Crystal Misa


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