‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ - Matthew 25:40

The greatest lesson I've learned is to reach out and help other people. Whether they need it or they don’t want it. Most especially to those who are in need, even the simplest things can be a huge act to them. In the Gospel, Jesus talks about how people have helped him in many ways. The people questioned on how they have helped Jesus, and He replied that when they are helping other people, especially the least, they are also helping Him.

I've grown up from a family that’s very generous. My parents help our relatives, especially when they are in need of money or material things. We would give them our once-used things so that they have something to use. It has always been a habit of our family to give them something every Christmas, and my parents, being the humble and kind people, never expect anything in return, because what makes them happy is when they are giving. Another generous act that my family would do is whenever we pass by a beggar; we would stop our car and give them something to eat or drink. My family has always been my role model. Later did I realize that I have always been mindful of how generous they are to me that I wasn't thinking of how I should be deserving of it. At some point in my life, I thought to myself that I don’t deserve to be treated like this, with the attitude of mine. They don’t deserve to be treated like that, with the attitude I’m showing them. In the same way, I have offended Jesus. He has been giving, yet I’m giving something that’s the opposite of it. He has been helping, yet it seemed like nothing to me.  I saw my flaws. Flaws that scarred my being. I was neglecting the help that people gave me. I wasn't returning the good deeds that they have done for me. I was so selfish of many things. I was totally unworthy of everything I had.

When I entered BLD, I met people who have the same experiences as mine, and people who helped me wake up from the bad dream that I was living. Reality hits that I've hurt my family. Reality hits that I've offended Jesus. They don’t deserve all of it. Jesus who was giving me help, I have rejected. Jesus who was asking for help, I have neglected. I was running away from Him when all along, He was running towards me. I didn't know how I am worthy of this but He knows I need His help. BLD helped me realize that it’s never too late to turn back to Him. What I needed to do is to open my eyes and accept everything that life is offering. And like what the people on Jesus’ right hand did to Him, I will help those who are in need, and not asking for anything in return. Whenever I have problems, I never forget to turn to Him to ask for help. He may not be around physically, but He sends me His grace, to help me overcome all my anxieties in life. And in return, I offer Him all the things that I am and will be doing.

“Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous;
teach me to serve you as I should,
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labor and ask not for reward,
save that of knowing that I do your most Holy will.”

It’s not about how small or huge your acts are, it’s the act of service that matters. Because to Christ, when you help other people, you are also helping Him. I said to myself that I’m never going back to the way I used to be, because Christ rescued me. I remember how my family was and still is, and I’m applying the values they have taught me. I’m returning them a huge favor by being the same as they are because they deserve it, because to them, I've always deserved all these things that they've been giving me. It’s time to give back to them, by doing good in school and in many other things. I’m never slipping away all the blessings that are given to me, because once they’re lost, I’m never getting them back anymore.

-Myka Barcena


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