For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away - Matthew 25:29

In today's gospel, Jesus tells his disciples about a parable. It is about a master who gave his 3 servants different talents. While he was away, the ones who got more talent even doubled the original number while the one who got one talent, out of fear, buried it and waited for his master to come back. When finally the master came back, the ones who doubled their talents were praised while the talent that the other buried was taken away from him and given to the one who doubled his.

We can relate this story to today's setting with God as the master and we, the people, as His servants. Whether we like it or not, God has blessed each and every one of us a talent or talents that we are made to nurture. He may give us the talent of singing, dancing, playing the instruments and more. However, only a few of us know what to do with it. The question is, “What do we really do with the talents we were entitled with?” The answer is in this gospel for we would learn that our talents should be nurtured and shared with other people. Some, however, are like the servant who buried his talent. They are scared to show and discover more of their ability. But, Jesus tells us through this parable that if we would share what His Father has given us, we would grow richer and more prosperous and if we don't then His Father may take what we have away from us.

Therefore, we must not be scared to show what we've got for this was given by God for us to nurture and share. Honing our talents would not only make us grow richer physically but would make us feel happy and most of all the other people whom we decide to share this with. Lastly, we should always remember that we should share it not because we are forced to do so but because we are willing to share it wholeheartedly without expecting anything in return. Nothing would make God happier than seeing us make use of what He has lent us with.

-Dea Manunod


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