"Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come. " - Mark 13:33

Today marks the Sunday of Advent:  A period of hope, it prepares the faithful celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth on Christmas Day and awaits his joyous return in glory.

In today’s gospel, it talks about the necessity for laborers to be ready for action and ready to give their best when the master returned from his journey. Were these servants excited or anxious about their master's return? The watchful servants looked forward to the future because they knew their master would be pleased and would reward them for their vigilance and hard work. Disaster and reprisal, however, awaited those who were unprepared because of carelessness or laziness.

What does the lord expects from us? Are we ready to meet his expectations? Yesterday, someone asked me that “What if today is judgment day? What would you do?” Today is the first day of advent which means the coming of the Lord and have I been good lately? Have I cherished and nourished the talents and blessings that Jesus bestowed upon me? I am guilty that there are times that I took Jesus for granted because I know the God he is who’s giving and forgiving. So no, I have not been good. I gradually succumb to those temptations around me. I live into those wild and euphoric moments as if I wouldn’t care if it’s for the good or bad. I have been given the privilege to lead and be in the ministry but sometimes I lose sight of the values that answers why am I here in the first place. Maintaining the blessings the Lord has given us is tough. Sometimes we feel the talents as power to step on other people. It gives us pride, arrogance, envy, addiction. So answering to the question about judgment day is no, I am not ready to face Jesus. I am a hopeless cause.

But I don’t remember seeing in the bible about a person having a perfect life. Yes we may fail and may not deem worthy during judgment day but being judge by the God who love us from the start and forever will love us, is a reminder of hope and second chances. Jesus didn’t condemn peter when he betrayed him and I’m sure that Jesus didn’t leave Lazarus to rot in a cave. So what are we afraid of? What am I afraid of? The unlimited goodness and beauty that I see every day from the community is a symbol of hope and love of Jesus and that’s what keeps me coming back and believing in Jesus. So if you think that you’re not qualified to go embrace Jesus, that’s great because being not qualified is where you start.

So I’m saying this to myself and to all of you, Jesus is powerful and merciful. Take good care of the blessings that he had left for you and he will reward you 4x more. And to the people who make mistakes, repent and pray is what I say to you. As Jesus has given us the talents to make us better Christians, he wants us to be ready for his action and grace in our lives. So make good use and wait, for the Lord will not be disappointed

"Lord, awaken my heart and mind to receive your word and to prepare for your coming again.  Free me from complacency, from the grip of sin and worldliness, and from attachments to things which pass away.  May I always be eager to receive your word and be ready to meet you when you come again."

-Keith Divinagracia


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