SUNDAY REFLECTION (Matthew 15: 21-28)

     Jesus The Messiah, “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you lose on earth shall be loosed in heaven, who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.” Since Peter was the one who recognized Jesus as the son of the Living God, He is now the handler of the keys if the kingdom of God.

    Many of us still do not believe totally about God’s faithfulness and love to us. But there are still who believe but do not follow in God’s Ten (10) commandments. They will only call God’s help and mercy when they have obstacles and trials come in their ways like emergencies, dreaded diseases and in depression. And when they can overcome those mentioned challenges in life, they forgot God even to thank Him for surpassing all those life’s suffering.

    This calls us all Christians and believers of Christ to sill hang on to our faith to God in sadness, loneliness, gladness and joyful moments in our lives. We should recognize always that God is our Sovereign Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

    We must always be grateful in every victorious event or in sacrifices and sufferings that happens in our life because we are like imitations in the life of Christ. We feel the joy during Christmas when Jesus was born because He because the Savior of our sins. We should also welcome sacrifices and sufferings because Jesus also experienced turns when He felt the pain and died in the cross to save us all in our sinfulness. In other words, we should not give up but rather continue to praise and worship Him as our God and be grateful for what he has done to us especially in our families.



Lord Jesus, we love You and adore You. You are our great God, merciful and compassionate Father. We thank You for the love and guidance. Forgive us Lord for our sins. Almighty God, we pray that we continue to acknowledge You as our loving Father, the giver of life and the source of everything. May our hearts and minds continue to think and love you Lord as we walk in our journey. May we never forget to thank you every day. Call upon and be our Messiah, the Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.     

- Tessa Bacquial 


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