SUNDAY REFLECTION (Matthew 15: 21–28)


The story of the Canaanite woman's encounter with Jesus is found in today's gospel. This chapter represents a number of significant topics: such as faith, modesty, and the applicability of Jesus' message to all people.

A Canaanite mother begs Jesus in this text to help her daughter who is being tormented by a demon. The woman persists, kneeling before Jesus and pleading, "Lord, help me!" At first, Jesus appears to ignore her, telling her that His primary focus is on the "lost sheep of Israel," but He later seems to change His tune, telling her that it is not right to take the children's bread and give it to "dogs," a reference to non-Jews.

The woman's response is crucial to the plot. She accepts her Gentile status, but ingeniously flips Jesus' example by adding, "Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Her response demonstrates deep humility, unshakeable faith, and acknowledgement of Jesus' power and compassion.

Jesus commends her for her great faith and humility and answers her request, curing her daughter. This exchange emphasizes the value of steadfast and sincere faith, regardless of one's origin or rank. It also emphasizes Jesus' readiness to spread His healing and saving love to everyone, not only the Jewish community.

- Trisha Morales



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