“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few."-Luke 10:2

Sunday Reflection:July 7,2019
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. Go your way; behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves. We wipe off the very dust of your town that clings to our feet,and leave it with you. Yet be sure of this, the Kingdom of God is very near.” - Luke 10:2-3

        In this gospel, it speaks about the “seventy-two on mission” whom Jesus sent out. The mission was the same as Jesus own ministry, to cure the sick and say to them, “the “kingdom of God has come near to you.” The Harvest field that what Our Lord says is “God’s Church” and the Laborers are “the people” of the Lord. Jesus sends the disciples “like lambs among wolves” and the Lord will be their protection.  This reminds us when we reflected on “ The Mission of the Twelve”(Luke 6:12-16).  They were sent without anything to bring, recall that the staff was important equipment for self-protection. However, we know that the Lord will provide for their needs.  
        I joined the “MRYE” or the Marie Rivier Young Evangelizers in our school, being an evangelizer is quite challenging. Our mission is to proclaim the word of the Lord to different children with different religions and beliefs. We teach them with different things, the importance of believing to Our God the Father and many more. We encountered different experiences like some of them ignored and rejected us because some of them won’t believe that there’s God and some of them has their own beliefs. We respected them and make peace with them for we are brothers and sisters of Christ. This message close with another note about success. We are not to rejoice about our success in our various ministries, but to rejoice “that our names are written in heaven,” that is, that we are part of this kingdom of God which we are proclaiming. We need to stay focused on our purpose. Jesus was known as the friend of sinners because He went to their social gatherings. But He never went just to socialize. He always went with a purpose, to seek and to save the lost.
  The lesson in this might be that Jesus is responsible for what happens after the gospel has been proclaimed and that if a person repents and trusts in Him, it is God Who is responsible.  It is their response to His ability but it is our responsibility to tell others about Christ. He will do the “follow up” by the work of the Holy Spirit whose work is to reveal Who Christ is and why a person needs Him as Savior.

-Tessa Sarzona 


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