"Ask and you will receive, search and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you" Luke 11:9

The Gospel begins with the disciples and Jesus praying. When he was finished praying the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. In response, Jesus offers a 3-part teaching which was a model prayer, a parable and some sayings about the prayer. From the first part of the scripture we can learn that prayer is definitely important and that we should pray every single day. Prayer is an important value of our lives and must not forget to pray.

The second part of the scripture is about the parable of a man who has an unexpected guest in the middle of the night and has not enough bread for the man and asked some bread from his neighbour. His neighbour refused but in the end he eventually fulfilled the request of his neighbour and gave him some bread. As we learned from the parable hospitality plays a big part in the parable. It shows that hospitality is important. We should learn from the parable and empathize to others and be sensitive with their needs.

Jesus then says “Ask and you will receive, search and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you”. In this saying we can think to ourselves how many times have we asked and have not received, searched and have not found anything? If God is such a loving parent then why do many prayer seem to go unanswered? We may not see or feel it all times, but God always listens to our prayers. He sometimes says no for he has bigger plans. Everything happens for a reason and the only thing that God wants for you is the best.

-Lanz Lu


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