"I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." Luke 3:16

In the gospel, John the Baptist preaches to the different kinds of peoples; the crowds, the tax collectors and as well as the soldiers. First, John the Baptist tells the masses to sacrifice their extra cloaks to the ones that do not have as he also taught them the value of generosity. As for the tax collectors, John the Baptist tells them to receive what is expected and do not ask for more. He taught them the value of contentment for the tax collectors in his time were famous for their corruption. Lastly, the soldiers were told not to commit extortion and to never falsely accuse anyone. John the Baptist introduced to them the value of real humility.
These values that he has taught to the peoples were basically a reminder for us to become better Christians. We may not have the same titles from this gospel such as tax collectors or soldiers, but we must admit that there are times when we tend to act differently. As millennials, we become magnets to our prized possessions such as our phones or tablets or even buy too many clothes just to fit in. There are also times when we become so spoiled to our parents, we ask for too much material things because we are not contented of what we have now. When things get rough whether in school or at work, our attitude of being prideful gets the best of us.

I hope this Christmas, may we put to heart the real meaning of Christmas which is to be a person for others who are in need. Let us learn to internalize all the values that John the Baptist have said in the gospel with love. Let us not be carried away with the things that are happening in the modern world. Temptations may also be around lurking around in every corner, but it is our duty to build our walls and to fix our eyes on to how we become a person.

Frederick Limbo


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