"When Jesus raised his eyes and saw that a large crowd was coming to him, he said to Philip, 'Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?'" -John 6:5

In the gospel, Jesus performs one of His famous miracles in front of His disciples and the entire crowd: the multiplication of bread and fish. We see Jesus setting an example in front of His followers as He feeds them with food more than enough to suffice their hunger. This really shows that God will truly provide to those who are hungry, physically or figuratively. All we need to do is to believe, obey and trust in him.
We may express our confidence in Him in our day to day lives through being Christ-radiating/Christ-like. We may radiate Christ in small deeds or actions such as reading the bible daily, spreading His word or by following His commandments. The smallest things may even produce large outcomes. For example by simply obeying our parents or even by following school policy, we may be one step closer to Christ-likeness.
In return we must also be hungry for His word, hungry for more of Him. God should be worshiped and praised and we, as His children, are responsible for that. We must lift His name to the very high and do all things in memory of Him, after all the chief end of men is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
Even in the challenges in our life we must never forget to put our faith and trust in the Lord, for He won't give us anything that we cannot handle. If you are at the point of giving up just remember that He is always there and He will always provide to those who are in need just like how he provided in the Gospel.

-RJ Monteposo


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