"He was amazed at their lack of faith." -Mark 6:6

Today, one important factor in our lives is our support systems. These are the people around us who lift us up, family, friends, girlfriend/boyfriend, etc. But some of these support systems are not consistent in showing their trust that it fails our expectations of what a friend/family really is. In life, a weak support system, affects us so much that if it goes negative, we cannot do something. Therefore we cannot progress. Just like Jesus, the people in His native place are the ones who have so many questions. Instead of believing, they question His abilities instead. Jesus found this discouraging.

However, today is different. We are too attached with the people around us that we tend forget our greatest support system which is Jesus. He is the perfect support system that anyone could have.

If your friends push you away, encourage yourself to be pushed closer to Jesus. With Jesus, everything goes right.If you feel that your whole family is against you, pause, take a deep breathe and pray. That's where Jesus will be, whispering in your ears that He loves you and understands you. He will even touch your heart and allow you to to do what is right.

-Alexie Morales


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