"Do not be afraid; just have faith." -Mark 5:36

God has a perfect timing for everything. The woman had a hemorrhage for 12 years because Jesus wanted to give her the opportunity to give testimony to her healing. Also, as a result of Jesus taking time to find the woman who touched His clothes, Jairus’ daughter did not make it alive. The delay of Jesus resulted in a greater miracle because He didn’t just heal Jairus’ daughter, but resurrected her.
We sometimes feel that the life in us has been drained, we feel like we are dying, we even feel that sometimes we’re dead, until we encounter Jesus that gives us hope and life. We are either touched by Jesus or, we reach out to Jesus ourselves.
Faith has done great things to people. Blind people can see, sick people are healed, dead people brought back to life, and other miraculous events Jesus did. When things don’t go our way, we need to have faith in Jesus and never give up because He will never abandon us in times of trials. He is always there for us. He just wants us to have a stronger faith in Him in times of trials to test how strong our faith is in Him.
There are times that we do our best just to get something done, yet it just doesn’t seem to go how we thought it would be. It is only when we reach out to God that our plans are falling into place. God knows what’s best for us, we just need to trust in Him.

-Clang Chin


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