
Showing posts from July, 2018

"When Jesus raised his eyes and saw that a large crowd was coming to him, he said to Philip, 'Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?'" -John 6:5

In the gospel, Jesus performs one of His famous miracles in front of His disciples and the entire crowd: the multiplication of bread and fish. We see Jesus setting an example in front of His followers as He feeds them with food more than enough to suffice their hunger. This really shows that God will truly provide to those who are hungry, physically or figuratively. All we need to do is to believe, obey and trust in him. We may express our confidence in Him in our day to day lives through being Christ-radiating/Christ-like. We may radiate Christ in small deeds or actions such as reading the bible daily, spreading His word or by following His commandments. The smallest things may even produce large outcomes. For example by simply obeying our parents or even by following school policy, we may be one step closer to Christ-likeness. In return we must also be hungry for His word, hungry for more of Him. God should be worshiped and praised and we, as His children, are responsible fo

"He said to them, 'Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.' People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat." - Mark 6:31

Right now, we have different labels. You are a student, he is a musician, she is an accountant, he/she is a parent, etc. These roles give us responsibilities that we must fulfill. For example, being a student requires projects, exams and quizzes. While being a mother may include cooking for the family, paying house bills, and a lot more. And with these responsibilities, play a major role in creating our identities. Now think of that one role/occupation that keeps you busy. After, think of the tasks and responsibilities that fall under that role. Name all of it. Then answer these questions in your mind: Are you happy doing these things? Are you satisfied with what you have done so far? Or do you feel tired of doing these things? You have your own answers and I have mine. And I know, that with all these thing that we do everyday and with all the responsibilities and commitments we have to keep on track all the time, there are always points in our lives that we forget to rest. We

“Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave. Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.” - Mark 6:11

Jesus summoned the Twelve and s ent them out and take nothing for the journey but a walking stick, however, Jesus told them, “Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave. Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.” Today’s gospel tells us that we should be happy and contented of what the Lord gave us. We should be proud that God has given us family and friends who support us in our everyday life even thou they’re not perfect because we can see into them that God is in their hearts who affirms and compliment us. Whenever we are down God lift us up, whenever we have a problem God helps us and guide us. It also reminds us that despite of being rejected multiple times, we should strive to continue life and have the dedication to persevere to follow Jesus’ path. We shouldn’t be discouraged but instead we should be motivated because in every storm, there is a rainbow. In every circumstance

"He was amazed at their lack of faith." -Mark 6:6

Today, one important factor in our lives is our support systems. These are the people around us who lift us up, family, friends, girlfriend/boyfriend, etc. But some of these support systems are not consistent in showing their trust that it fails our expectations of what a friend/family really is. In life, a weak support system, affects us so much that if it goes negative, we cannot do something. Therefore we cannot progress. Just like Jesus, the people in His native place are the ones w ho have so many questions. Instead of believing, they question His abilities instead. Jesus found this discouraging. However, today is different. We are too attached with the people around us that we tend forget our greatest support system which is Jesus. He is the perfect support system that anyone could have. If your friends push you away, encourage yourself to be pushed closer to Jesus. With Jesus, everything goes right.If you feel that your whole family is against you, pause, take a

"Do not be afraid; just have faith." -Mark 5:36

God has a perfect timing for everything. The woman had a hemorrhage for 12 years because Jesus wanted to give her the opportunity to give testimony to her healing. Also, as a result of Jesus taking time to find the woman who touched His clothes, Jairus’ daughter did not make it alive. The delay of Jesus resulted in a greater miracle because He didn’t just heal Jairus’ daughter, but resurrected her. We sometimes feel that the life in us has been drained, we feel like we are dying, we even feel that sometimes we’re dead, until we encounter Jesus that gives us hope and life. We are either touched by Jesus or, we reach out to Jesus ourselves. Faith has done great things to people. Blind people can see, sick people are healed, dead people brought back to life, and other miraculous events Jesus did. When things don’t go our way, we need to have faith in Jesus and never give up because He will never abandon us in times of trials. He is always there for us. He just wants us to have a str