"Do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." - Matthew 10:31

“DO NOT BE AFRAID”, Jesus assures us three times in today’s Gospel of Matthew.
Like Jesus’ apostles, we are called not to fear but to proclaim the love of Christ with our lives. We are called to be witnesses of our Christian faith by our acts of love, forgiveness, and self-giving. We are called to mission to share the joy of His love has brought to our lives and His desire to give mercy and love to all.

Given this mission, our commitment to Christ will be put to test. Fear may overwhelm us because our friends may not understand why we meet for reunions and attend Praise and Worships. Some may not even understand why we share our life experiences to people we just only met (e.g., shepherds, flockmates).

Others may even make fun of how we act, because they don't understand the joy He gives us when we are with our brothers and sisters singing and praising HIM as the love of our lives.

Though He may permit this kind of persecution, our Father will never forget or abandon us. As Jesus promised us in today’s Gospel, we will be always under His watchful gaze for each one of us is precious to Him.

-Alyssa Cordero


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