“If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you." -Luke 17:6

The gospel today is taken from Luke 17:5-10. 

Today we reflect on the gift of faith. How strong is your faith in God and how can you grow in it? Faith is not something uncertain, or something which requires a leap of the imagination or worse, some kind of blind allegiance. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Faith is all about trust and belief in what is reliable, truthful, certain, and real. To have faith is to believe and trust in someone or something. 

We believe in the power of electricity even though we can't visibly see it. We know we can tap into that power and use it to do things we could not do by our own human power. Faith in God works in a similar way. When God reveals himself to us he gives us the assurance and conviction that his power and presence and glory is just as real, and even more real, than our experience of the physical world around us. Things around us change, but God never changes. He is constant, ever true to his word, and always faithful to his promises. That is why we can have the greatest assurance of his unconditional love for us and why we can hope with conviction that he will give us everything he has promised. Jesus is God's visible proof that his word is reliable and true - his love is unfailing and unconditional - and his power is immeasurably great and unlimited. 

I know it is hard to believe on things we cannot see. We can’t see God but we can see Him in our brothers and sisters here in the Youth Ministry. We can see Him working in miracles. I hope we all trust and believe in God.

-Daniel Joshua Navarro


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