"When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?" -Luke 18:8

There are times that we doubt about God because everything seems to go out of plan. Sometimes we feel that God is not answering what we're asking for because maybe He has something much better for us.

When we present a specific solution for our problems, we are telling God what should happen. If we pray, we should lift up all our problems because God will help us get through it. We should surrender everything to God by putting aside what we want in order to allow God to enter more deeply into our lives. Never tell God what should happen because only He knows what will happen to us. We are just characters in His story. 

Prayer is never rejected as long as we don't cease in praying. When God delays in answering our prayers, we feel disappointed until we reach to the point that we want to give up. God tests our faith with unanswered prayers. We pass the test if we don't give up and we still keep on praying to God with the same faith.

The value of persistent prayer is not that He will hear us but that we will finally hear Him. Also, we would really know what we want. After you pray, listen to what He is telling you. He always hears our prayers even if we haven't said it out loud. He never denies our hearts desire except to give us something better.

Persistence requires patience. Jesus has a perfect timing for everything, we just have to trust Him. We must pray always and not be wearied by our trials. We must persist so that when the Son of Man comes again, He will indeed find faith on earth.

-Clarisse Chin


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