"I have come to set the earth on fire." -Luke 12:49

In the Gospel, Jesus said: "I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing! Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division." 

Upon reading it, were you confused? Yes, me too. I thought to myself, why would Jesus want to set the world on fire? Why would He want division rather than peace? If you take it literally, you'd find yourself asking the same question.

But Jesus wants us to think deeper and find its true meaning. 

If you think about it, fire was a very strong symbol during the biblical times. It has represented such powerful and important events, such as the burning bush which was not consumed when God spoke to Moses. It was "associated with God and with his actions in the world and in the lives of his people." 

I have had some "fire" moments in my life. Since sometimes, I go home late, I no longer have the luxury of finding a taxi or or a jeepney. It might be that the taxi already has a passenger or the jeepney is already full. Each time this happens to me, I always cling to my prayer: "Lord, please Lord, taxi/jeep po Lord, please." Minutes after saying this prayer, a taxi/jeep passes by, ready to let me in. And in a whisper, I say, "Thank You Lord! Kabait mo jud Lord." This has happened to me countless of times. And each time, He always hears my prayer. It is in simple things like these that I know that God is always with me and that He has never left my side.

Speaking of leaving sides, what did Jesus mean when He said that He wanted to establish division and not peace? It's ironic, right? But what Jesus wants to tell us is that it is in division that we can find peace. It is in division that we will know who to put first. God wants us to put Him first in our lives. It is in Him that we can find true serenity. Loving Him first above all else will lead us to a happy and contented life. 

Complicated as the Gospel sounds, it only implies one thing: to be faithful to God. He can make impossible things possible. He can move mountains. Sure, following Him is not easy but for as long as you cling on to Him, everything will be alright. 

-Riezl Monteposo😊


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