"For behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.” -Luke 13:30

“Lord, will only a few people be saved?” This question struck me the most as I was reading the gospel. After I read the whole of it, I felt disturbed and so I read it a second time. At first, I felt scared in the sense that maybe very few people only can enter the kingdom of God. But in the end, I was really enlightened and dedicated to serve Him more.

We are living our lives to be happy. We have our families, our friends, the youth ministry and all other things that make us happy. We tend to enjoy ourselves too much thinking that we need to remember the saying “You Only Live Once” and disregard what other people say and think about our actions. These situations also lead us to forgetting that we have a mission to fulfill here on earth and that is to follow the will of the Lord. We take into account the things that the Lord keeps on telling us again and again but we are too blinded by the fact that enjoying life means being happy with the material possession that the world offers us.

The gospel reminds us that entering the kingdom of the Lord is not about living your life to the fullest. We are reminded to live our lives happily with the Lord and for the Lord.

In our journey in life, we face a lot of challenges, rejection being one of them. We are hurt by the people around us, whether they did it intentionally or unintentionally. But through these rejections, we grow better and stronger. But when Jesus already judged you and rejected you in His kingdom, you can’t question it. Jesus wants all His people to go to His kingdom and it is very visible through the gospel. But the people choose to reject this opportunity to enter God’s kingdom.

A door or gate always represents a choice; to enter or to exit. The gospel is the ticket for our entry when we live with it, live for it, and live to attain everlasting love that will be present in the Kingdom of God. We all have a choice. What's yours?

-Jacob Vallescas


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