The Lord said to her in reply, "There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.” -Luke 10:42

Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said“Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me.” Lk 10:40

The Gospel today talks about Martha and her sister Mary, who chose to listen to Jesus speak rather than help with the serving. In the time today, we usually get upset when we are troubled and when we ask God to help us but there are times  like we feel that He doesn’t answer our prayers.

Just like when we’re with our friends and we feel down and helpless, we often want them to pay attention to us, to make us feel better and comfort us. But frankly, there are times when we need to be alone, to reflect on our life and just read the Bible. Sometimes or rather often times, that’s all we need.
The answers to all our questions are there

Actually, just recently, a friend of mine texted me; “Maybe just maybe you feel like you need to gather as much people around you as possible.. She’s actually just a new friend I found in my class. That was what she told me when we were talking about me sharing and trusting to easily.

But let me get back to the point of the text, there are really people who feel the need to gather people around them to get them to feel better. When we are troubled, we often get confused and we can’t think straight and we just randomly share things to random people. 

Those are the times that we feel desperate as if we just need someone to talk to, to vent out. But sometimes, we get misunderstood. Just like my example. 
The main point here is that not at all times we can find the comfort we need in friends but when we rely on God’s word and truly understand it, then can we truly find joy in and understand the purpose of our daily sufferings. As it is said in Col 1:24; “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake…” 

Basically, we must always put first the thought of relying on the Bible-on God before we turn to other people. He is the number one person who can help us in our times of distress.

-Ianna Isabel Palabyab


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