"For though one may be rich, one’s life does not consist of possessions.” -Luke 12:32

In today’s Gospel, A man approaches Jesus to arbitrate between him and his brother in a dispute over family inheritance. But instead of acting as mediator, Christ addresses the crowd, “Take care, and be on your guard against all greed, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions,” Then He proceeds to tell them the parable of the rich fool. In this parable, a man was blessed by God with great abundance and lavishness. He was a rich man and he produced a bountiful harvest. But the only worry he had in mind was how to manage and take care of his wealth. He was so caught up with his business that he failed to humble himself down. As what the psalmist have said, “If our riches increase, then we are not to set our hearts with them.”

Greed is defined as an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth, power, or food. It can overshadow any nobler emotion. Even the most compassionate man might once have had. Greed is one of the things that could not be avoided. Especially in this generation, people have invented great and amazing things that entertains the society. High-tech cellphones, tablets that could be even bigger than your face, dazzling and stunning clothes, head-turning shoes and many more. And we all agree that we dont want to get left-out. Like, each of us must have this and that, and another this and that just to go with the flow with others. But when we have all those stuff that we want, we get possessive of it. We get obsessed. We get attached. We are like prisoners trapped inside the new world that makes us forget the Word of God, the one that tells us that life does not consist of worldly possessions. 

Brothers and sisters, as children of God, let this Gospel be a reminder to humble down ourselves.  Let us not allow greed to take place in our hearts. There are more important things that God has given unto us that could not be replaced by any worldly pleasures: our family, friends and our loved ones. Most of all, do not worry about these worldly pleasures for there are more things to come that God has prepared for us.

-Aa Mascariñas


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