“If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."

Before you start reading, I want you to reflect for a short moment and ask yourself...

Who do you say that Jesus is?

In the gospel, Jesus was praying together with his disciples and He asked them who do they say that He is. The people randomly answered John the Baptist and Elijah... Some people from the crowd even answered that Jesus was an old prophet who has risen. After hearing what the people had said, Jesus shortly asked them, "But who do you say that I am?" Peter immediately answered, "The Christ of God." After this, Jesus tells them that a time will come when the Son of Man must suffer, that He will be rejected by the elders and chief priests, that He will be killed, but will rise again on the 3rd day. Jesus said to them, "If any man would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever would save his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for My sake, will save it." 

Through this gospel, Jesus tells us that what we believe in and what we truly know about God are what truly matters to Him. Remember that in life, a lot of people will test you and shake you from the truth of who Jesus truly is. I, myself struggle to hold on to what I believe because of a lot of reasons: financial struggle, doubts about my career, and misunderstandings in relationships. Despite these reasons, in my book, if you surrender everything to Jesus, He will ALWAYS give you what you need. Know that when life isn't what it seems, it's because He has better plans for you.

At the end of the gospel, Jesus already knew in an instant what will happen to Him, and He immediately told the disciples what He knew. Personally, I really did not know at first what was the connection of Jesus' better plans and the prediction of His death, but after moments of prayer and reflection, I realized that even though we belong in a Youth Ministry under a Catholic Community full of disciples, just like Simon Peter, we are also sinners. As sinful as we are, we sometimes fail to come after the Lord. There are some points in our lives that we forget to pickup our crosses and follow Jesus. Yes, my dear friends, we are sinners, but because of the sacrifice He did for us, we are saved. Because of His love and mercy, salvation is found. Through humiliation, suffering, and death, Jesus conquered sin and death and has given us Salvation! Let us share to the people that we have encountered Christ's victory!

Now let me ask you again...

Who do you say that Jesus is?

Blessed Sunday everyone!😉

- Neil Edjic


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