“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." -Mark 8:34

In our daily lives, we both encounter and experience many things. They may be simple yet difficult, or may be very difficult yet seem so simple. We may say it is possible but sometimes at the back of our minds we think it’s impossible. 

The question is, “Who is the person behind who would make things simple and possible?” Only God alone. Believing in God makes all things somehow simple and very possible.
When we don’t have faith in the Lord, we think that everything is impossible and very difficult. 

“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it.”

In denying oneself, we need to give up anything that we would want or seek that would obstruct our doing the will of God. It isn’t wrong if we want something. It means we must place Jesus and his will as our priority in life and not our wants and desires.

"Taking up your cross” refers to giving your whole life to God, as Jesus was about to give His life for us. This involves bearing burdens, but it is deeper than that. It simply means being faithfully dedicated to God..

Do things for God even if it will cost our lives and He will grant us eternal life. Knowing God depends on our belief and faithfulness to Him. Deeply knowing God's presence is through our daily experiences as we journey with life. Every day is our chance of experiencing life and meeting/knowing God through the things and people around us. 

Knowing God is knowing what unconditional love is. Why search for God elsewhere?  God is already within us and what we must do is to recognize and accept Him.

-Reign Jaleco


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