“If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” - Mark 9:35

Everyone wants to be the first: the first in line, the first in class, the first to see a movie, the first to post a picture, the first to know a secret. But Jesus tells us to be humble. He said, "Whoever wants to be the first must be last of all and the servant of all."

It does feel good to be the first. You'll feel superior among others, you'll feel like no one is better than you. But that should not be your mentality. In fact, that is the complete opposite of what you should think.

Being the first, like what Jesus said, means being the last. Why do you have to be the last when you want to be the first? Isn't that just confusing? I know, I ask that question too. But that is the paradox of being the first. Being the first means that you should humble down yourself and not be prideful. Being the first means that you should think of others first before yourself. Being the first means not getting your reward here on earth but instead claiming a bigger reward in heaven.

You see, God's love is selfless. In John
3:16 it says, "For God so love the world He gave us His only Son...." Jesus died for our sins. He is the ultimate, the most perfect example of being the last in order to be the first. He let Himself be mocked, ridiculed and crucified even if He did not deserve it. He knew that after His death comes resurrection and that soon he will be hailed as King!

As the eldest, I am entitled to do be an example to my younger siblings. I have to be the last in everything. But there are times that I want to be the first: I want them to do what I want, to get what I want. I no longer consider what they need and tend think only of myself. That is why, in your family you have to be selfless. In a family, it's not always about you, because if it is, then what's your family for? As what the song says, "Only selfless love, Jesus show the world that only selfless love can bring a hundred fold of fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, homes..."

In this new age, where fame really matters and popularity is more important than the virtue of love, it is hard to be the last. But we must always remember what Christ did because of His great love for us: He died on the cross. That CROSS must be our inspiration to find the true meaning of being the first.

 -Riezl Monteposo


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