"Do not be afraid, just have faith.” - Mark 5:36

In this Gospel, we learn the value of faith. So what is faith? Faith is complete trust or confidence in someone or something. But putting your complete faith is a risk. So what is risk? Risk is like shooting a ball at its last second. Risk is like telling your feelings to someone you love or adore. All of us take a risk every day. With faith, we learn to believe and trust. Having faith is like writing a reflection about the todays Gospel, because of faith, I am able write this reflection which you are reading right now. Look what faith can do to our lives. It gives us confidence, strength and pushes us to persevere. But despite all the risks, it deepens our faith in God. In that scenario, we take a leap of faith even if we don’t know what the future holds or even what God has planned for us. If you have complete trust, you will not mind the risks even if it’s just a little or too big of a risk. There will be always a time when you can’t put your complete trust to God. Why? It is because we are afraid. But God gives us a lot of reasons to believe in Him. We have these small miracles we experience everyday like waking up in the morning. God is so great!

All of us have different problems that we face in our lives. Some people dont want to face their problems because they are afraid of what might happen. But don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith. Put your complete faith to God, "Do not be afraid, just have faith." If things don’t go the way you wanted it to happen, maybe it’s really not for you. If it’s not for you, maybe there are better things that are coming; God has better plans for you. Don’t ever be afraid to take a risk. Be like Jairus who puts his complete faith in Jesus who healed his daughter.

There was this moment in my life that I have to decide whether to take the risk or just let things flow, whether you have to let go of the person you loved who was in a deep coma or let her live which she will just suffer. Her life was hanging on by a thread. In the end, we decided to let her go. It was hard to let her go but it was also a good thing because she doesn’t have to suffer anymore. She will be happier in heaven with God. It was a risk but with faith, we realized what was better for her. 

We shouldn’t be afraid on the obstacles we face in our lives because God has planned something bigger than those problems for us. We can benefit from these problems. We can learn and become stronger. As I have said, dont be afraid to take a leap of faith. "Don’t be afraid, just have faith.”

- Reign Jaleco


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