he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” - Mark 1:24

Take this quiz: Name the five wealthiest people in the world. Name the last 5 Olympic gold medalists in the 100 meter dash. Name the last decade’s bar topnotchers. How did you do? These names are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. List a few teachers how aided your journey through school. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special. Was that easier?

My point: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, most money or awards. They're the ones who care. People who loved you unconditionally when you thought the world was for haters. People who gave you hope when you had none. People who believed in you when you have written yourself off. They are the people of grace.

What's my point? If you remember in the Gospel, Jesus entered the synagogue as an unknown. He astonished them because being a nobody; he was able to captivate them. People who preach in the synagogue are never nobody's. They were among the most powerful people at that time, and Jesus was a nobody. In fact, do you know who among them the first to recognize Jesus was? Yes, the unclean spirit. And that spirit did not just recognize him for how he looked. No! He saw so much more. He recognized the Holy One of God!

Sometimes, we choose to be ignorant like the Galileans. Even if He is right in front of us, we choose not to see Jesus. And unfortunately, sometimes, instead of making Jesus famous, we make the unclean spirits famous.
What is Jesus calling us out to do? Jesus is knocking on our hard hearts. He wants to amaze us, he wants to astonish us, and just like the end of the story, Jesus wants to overcome all our battles in our lives. Jesus wants to overcome all the unclean spirits that are taking control of us. And just like the end of the story, Jesus will overcome for He is the Holy One of God.

I believe this is our goal: To go back to the source; to go back to God. And this worship project is perfect for just that. Amidst everything we are going through right now, let us declare: We will not be shaken. Amidst the troubles and hardships in our lives, we will not be shaken. And because we will not be shaken, we will become the people of grace He wants us to be - to be that helping hand to the helpless, the hope to the hopeless, and to be His light in the darkness.

Let me end my reflection with this story: A boy was failing in class because he wasn’t studying. Instead, he would cut classes and went to parks and malls. Then his mother said to him, "Son, you have to study and stop cutting classes. Follow the example of the ants. They work hard and they don’t just go anywhere they want to." The son replied, "That's not true, Mommy. I saw them at the park yesterday."

What's my point? The most important ingredient for change is the desire to change. No matter what anybody tells you, or no matter how good of an example or metaphor is used, you could always find a loophole, and para paraan, makahanap ng palusot.

Jesus began His ministry of repentance in the region of Galilee because He knew that the people there were open to change. They loved hearing new things and new teachings. The word of God bears more fruit in people who are open to change.

The word "repentance" comes from the Greek word metanoia, which literally means a change of mind. Once the mind is changed, the entire life follows. Whether it’s a change of mind, heart or life, Jesus calls us to change for the better.

So, ask yourself, what is God asking you to change in your life today in order to make Jesus famous?

Change is never easy, and we cannot make it on our own. We need the help of God. We need His Holy Spirit. So, my prayer for all of us is that we would be able to open our hearts completely to the One who undoubtedly wants to help us get through it all.

-Lanzi Borromeo


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