Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever. They immediately told him about her. - Mark 1:30

In the first reading Job spoke about how bad his life is. He does not know what his life means. He only finds misery in it instead of happiness. He felt depressed with so many reasons. It was like he went through all the depressions people have.

Some of us may feel the same way with Job, seeing nothing good in oneself, losing the meaning of life, and feeling a whole lot of self-pity, shame, and anger. In the Gospel, Jesus healed Simon’s mother with just a touch of a hand, and with that the mother began to serve them. Through that we could see how easy it is for Jesus to heal us, and as a response, we should also serve Him. Jesus heals us because He knows that we can love and serve others better if we are well. We can’t love and serve other if we can’t even see the purpose in our life, the same goes with Simon’s mother; she can’t serve Jesus and the people in their town the same way she did if she still felt sick with her fever.

Not all of us here have been cured yet, but as we wait, we should always believe that we can find true happiness from serving God and serving others, sick or not. 

-Nikki Chin


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