How deep is the faith

 How deep is the faith you give towards the Lord? Do you trust His will in you? What do you treasure the most in your life?

  I reflected on today's reading through these questions. What we treasure will orient our entire being and guide our lives. Jesus invites us to treasure what matters and align our lives towards it.

 Sometimes, we believe the phrase “expect the unexpected,” by means of not being surprised by an unusual event. Anything could happen -  and they probably will. But what if it is the way of the Lord to guide us in our lives? The Lord may not give what you desire but He gives what’s best for you.

  Rejections might be the effect of God’s will for me. Every time I desire something, I cannot achieve it or have it. Then I judge God for not helping me in my dreams and sometimes I put little faith in Him.

  The book of Wisdom speaks of the ancestors in faith trusting God’s promises. Yes, I failed but it is the purpose of God that there is something more fitted or best for me. Little did I know that those people around me are my treasures to be cherished for: my family, friends, neighbors, and especially my God. They are the reasons I lived and became grateful. Believe in His will and have faith in His greatness because He will never fail you.  


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