
Showing posts from 2022

Repent and Come Back

  The Gospel today talks about the time when Jesus was gathered along with tax collectors and sinners. This created an issue with the Pharisees and scribes for they were surprised that Jesus welcomed sinners and was even eating with them. It was then he began to tell the story of the prodigal son. The Gospel is actually relatable to most of us, there really are times in life where we easily judge other people based on what they used to be or by who we thought they are, but have we ever thought of the fact that it is possible for people to change and repent from the things that they have done before? We may not realize it, but maybe we too are like the Pharisees and scribes who easily judged the people Jesus was hanging out with. Maybe we too sometimes think that we are the good ones but somehow it turns out we are actually worse than the people we are judging. Maybe we think too highly of ourselves to the point we sometimes forget the reason why we are doing things. Put as an example w

The world is a vast place

  The world is a vast place. Thus, it is no wonder that different people have different beliefs and understandings: most of which completely diverge from the teachings of the Church. Perhaps this has been the reason for the Church’s difficult beginnings.   Persecution was much more rampant a long time ago. Any missionary who takes the challenge to spread God’s words were oftentimes sentenced to brutal punishments. In fact, many biblical personage’s fates ended this way. This challenged their faith – yet they persevered. Many will oppose your beliefs; and many will deny your words until their last breath. However, as long as you have the passion and dedication to become the Lord’s servant, then your faith will save you.   Therefore, Jesus never spoke of literal flames of anguish and eternal conflict. Rather, He spoke of the challenges the disciples will face once they continue His work on earth. Those flames are the flames of desire for Him: the desire to serve the almighty Father. Bein

How deep is the faith

 How deep is the faith you give towards the Lord? Do you trust His will in you? What do you treasure the most in your life?   I reflected on today's reading through these questions. What we treasure will orient our entire being and guide our lives. Jesus invites us to treasure what matters and align our lives towards it.  Sometimes, we believe the phrase “expect the unexpected,” by means of not being surprised by an unusual event. Anything could happen -  and they probably will. But what if it is the way of the Lord to guide us in our lives? The Lord may not give what you desire but He gives what’s best for you.   Rejections might be the effect of God’s will for me. Every time I desire something, I cannot achieve it or have it. Then I judge God for not helping me in my dreams and sometimes I put little faith in Him.   The book of Wisdom speaks of the ancestors in faith trusting God’s promises. Yes, I failed but it is the purpose of God that there is something more fitted or best fo

Take care to guard against all greed

   There could be times when we think and look at ourselves so high that it could cause us to think about life in a different way. A life that God does not want us to live with. Life where addiction, hatred, arrogance, and greed are present. Sometimes, we forget that the person we are talking with is our mama or papa, ate or kuya, tito or tita that needs proper respect. This treatment and perspective might be open to our lives, but we can try to live the life that God wants so that we can avoid doing it: a life full of respect, honesty, trust and love. As what was stated in the Gospel, we need to "Take care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one's life does not consist of possessions." (Luke 12:15). We are given life to be an example to others by being a living witness of God's creations and sharing it with people in need.  It was mentioned in the first reading the gifts of God that are given to us to be used wisely and at God's command. Eve

Ask, and You Will Receive

  Today's Gospel starts with one of the disciples asking Jesus how to pray. Jesus then taught them "The Lord's Prayer." Jesus then followed up with a situation where one asks for three loaves of bread in the middle of the night from his friend, and the frienddoes not want to be disturbed and does not want to deal with him. Friendship might not want him to give his loaves of bread, but with persistence, he will get up to fulfill all of his needs. The Lord's prayer is more or less the same, as we ask God to fulfill our needs, forgive us for our sins, and ask for guidance.   The key difference between God and the friend is that God will fulfill our needs, no matter the conditions. He will satisfy our needs once we ask Him, once we talk to Him. As it is said in verse 9, "Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you." We should be humble enough to ask God for help and answers, and He will surely open His door t