Repent and Come Back

 The Gospel today talks about the time when Jesus was gathered along with tax collectors and sinners. This created an issue with the Pharisees and scribes for they were surprised that Jesus welcomed sinners and was even eating with them. It was then he began to tell the story of the prodigal son.

The Gospel is actually relatable to most of us, there really are times in life where we easily judge other people based on what they used to be or by who we thought they are, but have we ever thought of the fact that it is possible for people to change and repent from the things that they have done before? We may not realize it, but maybe we too are like the Pharisees and scribes who easily judged the people Jesus was hanging out with. Maybe we too sometimes think that we are the good ones but somehow it turns out we are actually worse than the people we are judging. Maybe we think too highly of ourselves to the point we sometimes forget the reason why we are doing things. Put as an example when we serve through this ministry, are we really serving for the Lord? Or are we serving just to show off to people? We call ourselves followers of Christ but do we really display what a true follower of Christ is to other people?

Brothers and sisters, God will be happier if we first repent from our sins before serving Him. It's never too late to look back and think about the things we are doing not only here in the ministry but also outside. Let's ask ourselves the real reason why we are here right now and why we continue to serve. And if ever we feel like we have drifted away from Him, let's always remember that He will always welcome us with open arms and He'll be happy to call you His again. We just have to repent, reflect, and come back to Jesus.


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