“Be strong and steadfast; do not be afraid or dismayed because of the king of Assyria and all the horde coming with him, for there is more with us than with him. 2 Chronicles 32:7

In today's Gospel, it talks about how we should let go of our fear because we are in the hands of our loving Father.

In the Gospel, the Apostles have a mission in proclaiming the good news of Jesus, but Jesus warned them that proclaiming His word is not as easy as they think. There will be a lot of oppressions that will come before them but Jesus told them"Do not be afraid" for there is nothing concealed that are will not be revealed and there are no secrets that will not be known. The message that they have listened to and received from him they are to speak with boldness. Jesus assures the apostles that they have no reason to be afraid because they are in Gods hand.

The heavenly Father's loving care is not only in big battles like Doctors in hospital who are helping to fight this Covid19 pandemic but also in the smallest details of our lives. Our problems in the family, our concers in the future, our mistakes, nightmares, tragedies, these are all in our Gods hand. God is absolutely in control. There is no reason to be afraid nor be dismayed.

-John Manuel Morales


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