"But we had to celebrate and rejoice, for this brother of yours was dead and has begun to live, and was lost and has been found.'" Luke 15:32

Todays gospel talks about Gods grace for us.

Despite us being sinful, it is showed that he has arms wide open for us to come back to him!
The gospel also explains that God  is more pleased to find the lost not just the found. Simply because even those who are lost have big value to him. He wants us to come back to him because of who we are in the first place, knowing that “we belong to him” and “we are his beloved children”. 

Nowadays sometimes we forget this, we forget to turn to God and surrender to him because we think our sins are too much that we cant go to him anymore, because we think we are not worthy anymore. 
It’s quite challenging to think that it is not us who has control over our lives despite us living but God. Sometimes we think that we can rely only on our own strength to carry the weight of our sins, sometimes because of our pride or fear to be judged by others and the people around us. And these things such as pride, fear and many more aren’t easy to ignore. Its really hard to do all that alone, especially during the times you fall then other people fail to keep their word that they would be there. 

Usually we think of giving up, thinking that there is no hope. But those kinds of thoughts we have aren’t true, because In Jesus there is hope! We should be relying on him! The one who has control, the one who is bigger than your problems and the one who will definitely help you carry your burdens you have been carrying. In the first place were all just humans made by him, we all have our limitations and that’s okay, because God is there to strengthen us and love us in times we fail. 

Just like in today’s gospel, God still loves us because of our identity; that we are his beloved children. We belong to him! And in turning or hearts to him he will be more pleased if we approach him with humility seeking him with all our hearts.

-Althea Alba


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