"Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests. But the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head." Luke 9:58

In todays gospel, we look back on Jesus appointed Peter as the rock from which He would build His church. As we all know, Peter(Simon Peter) was on of Jesus' disciple and the one who also denied Him three times. Although, He already envisioned what Peter was about to do, still He entrust Peter the responsibility to tend His lambs and bring us closer to Him.

Going back on our very own YE encounter weekend we were tasked to acknowledge and write down 5 Peter qualities which pertains to our "good traits" and 2 Simon qualities pertaining our "bad traits". I personally had a hard time thinking what to write on my Peter qualities but with Jesus' affirmation through my flock shepherd and everyone I have come to realize that my Peter qualities comoletely overshadows my Simon ones. Ofcourse, for we are made in His own image and likeness and goodness are within each one of us. 

You see, God loves us even though we are sinners and we keep on sinning against Him everyday. He forgives us amidst our imperfections and shortcomings. He wants us to love ourselves and others the way He has loved us. The love that understands pain and never gives up. The love that embraces brokenness in hopes to fill a sad heart with joy one day.

Kyra Lagang


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