“Take it, this is My Body; this is my Blood of the covenant which will be shared for many.” -Mark 14:22, 24

“Take it, this is My Body; this is my Blood of the covenant which will be shared for many.” -Mark 14:22, 24

Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This is very symbolic for it is one of the sole foundations of our faith. In the Gospel, Jesus feasts with His disciples and shares His own Body and Blood. He says, “Take it, this is My Body; this is my Blood of the covenant which will be shared for many.” At this point, Jesus does not merely give food and drink to His disciples, but He also feeds them in a much deeper level. He welcomes them, enlightens them and heals them. This can be likened to what we experience during the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. We go to Church to feel God’s holy presence and receive nourishment, enlightenment and healing. The bread and wine that we partake are no longer that of its physical form; we are already partaking the real body and blood of Christ, which cleanses our whole mind, body and soul.
With that, we are called to share this experience to others. As what is said at the end of every mass, ‘go in peace and glorify the Lord by your life.’ We can do this by helping our family and friends who have lost their way and who are longing for God’s path but are just afraid to try. We can help them see the true essence of Jesus’ sacrificial love and how He willingly shared his precious Body and Blood. As we partake these, may we be filled with nourishment and healing, and be able to truly say ‘Thanks be to God.’

- Riezl Jermaine Monteposo


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