"And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come.” -Mark 4:29

In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus continues to talk about the Kingdom of God. He uses the image of a mustard seed being planted by a farmer, leaving it grow and comes back to harvest its fruits.
He explained to His disciples, that yes, the mustard seed though small, can become one of the biggest and most productive plant. But if you leave it alone to grow and not take care of it, it will not become as productive as expected.
Jesus is talking to us, the youth, to take care of the mustard seeds in our lives. These tiny seeds will grow and produce, if we always cling to God.

God blessed us with so much gifts, talents and time. He blessed us with a community which nurtures us to grow and mature spiritually. Young as we are, we know we can produce much fruits by inviting young people to the BLD Youth Ministry. Armed with all these gifts and guided by the Holy Spirit, we can share our learning and experiences of God's love and His presence in our lives. We will give them the chance to be closer to God which helps them fully understand the Kingdom of God.

-Aly Cordero


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