"The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a man who sowed good seed in his field." -Matthew 13:24

"The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels."

Since time immemorial evil and temptation is always present in our lives. Satan will grind away the weakness of our character. He will tell us that life is full of inequities and disappointments. He will seek to rob our joy and diminish our relationship with the Lord while God is working to bring us into his kingdom Satan is working to keep us out.

We should be patient like God. In the battle against evil we must not forget that our methods are to be different than the world because inappropriate actions will do more harm. We are to love our enemies and soften the hardness of their hearts just like how Jesus loves us.

We make fatal mistakes but our God is lenient and forgiving he will never condemn us, just like the owner of the field in the parable. He is aware that there are weeds in his fields and it could poison others if they were mixed with his wheat but instead he refused to pull it out and wait for the harvest time for him to separate his wheat from the weeds because of his unconditional love for us he value every one of us and accept us for who we are despite of our differences and imperfections.

God changes our hearts and lives. One thing I learned in life is that we need to trust the plans that God has stored for us. People come and go in, sometimes we win and sometimes we learn. Let us not try to make things happen depending only on our own strength because everything falls in it's perfect timing. We should live life in the moment. Although the time of the end is both the most exciting and the most frightening time to imagine but in at all times, in our life, we are to show the love of Christ to one another, so that someday we will be able to stand and dwell before our God Almighty Father of the universe and spend the rest of our lives in a safe place. A place to be called our home.
Let me end this by saying,

We will live our Life to the fullest and fight against evil .Pray to GOD with greater determination to be worthy to His name.
To god be the glory.

- Danielle Demerey


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