“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” - Matthew 11:28

Let me start the Sunday Reflection by sharing a Bible Story, a story about Job.

Job had everything – family and wealth. God bragged to Satan about Job’s goodness, but Satan argued that Job was only good because God blessed Him.  Satan challenged God that, if God would allow him to punish Job, Job will curse God. God allowed Satan to punish Job.

Slowly, he lost everything - his family and his wealth. But Job never turned against God, instead, he praised God despite of what he lost. God achieved victory and He rewarded Job double of what he lost.

What I learned in the story is humility. Job had everything but he never used his power against others. He remained humble. He praised Him and continued to trust in Him. God and Job’s relationship was unbreakable on which today’s Gospel focuses on.

I was introduced to the Catholic faith when I was young. I remembered so well that my parents would bring me to church. I pray when they pray, just following what they do. As a kid, I would pray every night to God and believed that He exists. As I grew older, my faith started to slip away. For me, when I praise Him or listen to His teachings, it would be fine.

Growing up, I found myself asking if God is real or not but God gave me signs.

During the hard times, I know God is with me. I am not worthy but I am blessed. I realized that I would just go to God only if I want or need something. It was like a one-sided relationship.
Now, by His grace, I am slowly making Him the center. I rely to Him in everything.

The difference between Job and I was Job had a stronger faith in God, on the other hand, I only praise Him. I should be like Job and make Him the reason of my whole being.

Now, I praise the Lord for He has enlightened my eyes. I realized that He continues to mold me into a better person. The problems I had and the mistakes I have made will make me what I'm supposed to be. His guidance, spiritually and physically, has helped me spread His love and care to the world.

Above it all, I learned that "God heals in a wise way." When we feel nothing, when we feel emptiness in our hearts, when we feel we are alone, when we feel hurt, when we need something, that's when we approach God.

Asking Him for help would never be an unanswered prayer. God heals you in an insightful manner, keeping you unnoticed, realizing why things happen.

Just like Job, I would like to be more faithful and to trust God in everything for He helps ease whatever pain we have. For He said in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.”

I realized that even the darkest moments of our lives could make the brightest and meaningful masterpiece to complete or to unearth the missing pieces of ourselves. Same as Job, he discovered something beautiful after he lost everything.

I will be forever thankful as a child of God. I am blessed. Trusting God would allow me to follow His words and be a better person. God is Great! JIMLY!

-Niquo Piñero


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